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《丧钟为谁而鸣:生死边缘的沉思录》是约翰·多恩的一部关于宗教祈祷的文集。该书不仅在宗教神学和心理学上有重大突出,在文学方面的价值也极高,所采用的写作手法个性鲜明,具有典型的后现代气息。此书中,多恩重点思考了关于信仰以及生命的问题,另外还涉及了关于上帝用敬畏、虔诚和谦卑战胜了恐惧的事迹。该书的后现代创作手法较为丰富,不仅在形式结构上有所体现,在思想内容方面也重点表现。该书译本的出版,提高了国内对多恩散文的了解和研究程度。 “Whom the Torture Bell Whom?” The Meditations on the Edge of Life and Death is a John Donne’s anthology of religious prayers. The book not only has prominent prominence in religious theology and psychology, but also has extremely high value in literature. The writing style adopted by the book is distinctive and possesses typical postmodern flavor. In this book, Donne focuses on issues of faith and life, and also deals with the deeds of God defeating fear in reverence, piety, and humbleness. The book’s postmodernist approach is more abundant, not only reflected in the form and structure, but also in the ideological content of the key performance. The translation of this book has raised the level of understanding and research on Dorn’s prose in China.
对于中国传统思维模式之缺陷的批评,无论是国内的梁启超、鲁迅、胡适、金岳霖等学者,还是西方的密尔、黑格尔、荣格等思想家和哲学家,都有过许多精辟的论述,但将中国人思维模式之缺陷上升为中国晚近以来科学和文化落后于西方的根本原因,却是楚渔先生在新作《中国人的思维批判》中着力回答的课题。  为了树立其新观点,楚渔先生从比较的视角,以证明的论证(目的是为了发现事实)而非论辩的论证(目的是为了取胜)的方式,援引