1999年夏天,离开家乡来到阿贾克斯的齐沃还只是一个青涩的小男孩,他期待着有一天自己也可以从这个著名的“球星摇篮”跃起、腾飞,当然这在当时只是年轻人深藏心底的一个梦,但让他没想到的是,仅仅过了四年,梦想已然变成现实。 1980年出生的齐沃所效力的第一支球队是家乡罗马尼亚的CSM Resita俱乐部,那一年齐沃17岁,充满激情的小伙子在第一个赛季就出场23次,并有一个进球,这成绩对于一名年轻的后卫来说已是相当可观。因而他很快就被更有名气的国内俱乐部克鲁奥瓦大学队相中,他在那里总共呆了一个半赛季,展露了自己的全部才华和天赋,并吸引了善于造星的阿贾克斯队的目光。但坦率说,1999年8月,当齐沃从克鲁奥瓦大学队以470万美元的价格转会至阿贾克斯时,他实在是没有什么名气,以至得知消息的罗马尼亚足球界人士都大吃一惊,因
In the summer of 1999, Chivu, who left Ajax for his hometown, was still a jerk-eyed boy who was looking forward to one day jumping off and leaping from this famous “cradle of stars,” which of course was only The young man has a deep dream in his heart, but what he did not realize is that in just four years his dream has become a reality. Chivu was born in 1980, the first team to play is the hometown of Romania’s CSM Resita club, that year Chivu, 17 years old, full of passion young man played 23 times in the first season and has a goal, This result is already quite impressive for a young guard. So he quickly became the team leader of more famous domestic club Crewe University, where he stayed a total of one and a half seasons, revealing all his talent and talent, and attracted a good star in the Ajax Sri Lanka team’s eyes. Frankly speaking, when Chivu moved to Ajax from the University of Cluiova for $ 4.7 million in August 1999, he was notoriously famed that the Romanian football community Are surprised, because