
来源 :卫生研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tegger
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在卫生部 1 45个疾病监测点与国家统计局住户调查点一致的基础上 ,分为城市、一般农村和较贫困农村 3层 ,进行抽样。按 6岁以下儿童低体重患病率为 5%水平估计样本量需抽取 1 60 0 0例 ,在全国抽取 40个点 ,(城市 1 4个 ,一般农村 1 7个 ,较贫困农村 9个 )分布在全国 2 6个省、市、自治区。每个监测点采取多阶整群抽样方法 ,抽取 40 0例 6岁以下儿童 ,40个点共抽取 1 60 0 0例。40个监测点的人口共 2 0 67.8万人 ,占全国人数的 1 .7%。通过对抽取样本的儿童年龄分布与总体进行拟合度检验 ,检验结果表明 ,样本与总体分布是一致的 ,说明样本对总体的代表性较好。 Based on the consistency of the 45 disease surveillance points of the Ministry of Health and the household survey sites of the National Bureau of Statistics, the urban and rural areas and the poorer rural areas are divided into 3 levels for sampling. According to 5% of the prevalence of low body weight in children under 6 years old, the sample size is estimated to be 1600 samples, and 40 points are collected in the country (14 in cities, 17 in rural areas, and 9 in poor rural areas). Distributed in 26 provinces, cities and autonomous regions. A multi-stage cluster sampling method was used for each monitoring site. 400 children under the age of 6 were sampled, and a total of 1 605 cases were sampled at 40 sites. The population of the 40 monitoring sites is 20678,000, accounting for 1.7% of the national population. By testing the age distribution of the sampled children and the overall fitness, the test results show that the sample is consistent with the overall distribution, indicating that the sample is better representative of the overall population.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。小船悠悠摇着我的家@李如会@雪冰正请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does
English is a very important subject in education, but simultaneously it is very difficult for students to master in the teaching process. With the coming of the
月光沉睡在这岸边多么甜美!  我们坐在这里,  让音乐之声潜入我们的耳内……  月光摇曳树影,撒下一地银光。抬头凝望高悬天边的月,恬静柔和,令人沉醉。无论是如钩新月,还是如盘满月,月,总有一番别样风情。都市生活的忙碌往往容易让人变得浮躁焦虑,这时,不妨找点时间,去看看月出,让温柔的月引领我们找寻内心的安宁与平静。  嘘—天高云淡,凉风习习,静待月出,心随月动……  —Maisie    There
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。爸爸妈妈辛苦了@张永红正请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not supp