●1月2日,《大众日报》评出2 0 0 2年反映山东“经济发展和社会进步巨大成就”的2 2件大事,“山东省图书馆新馆开馆”名列其中。8日,召开中层以上干部工作例会。王运堂馆长进行2 0 0 2年工作回顾、2 0 0 3年工作部署。11~15日,赵炳武副馆长赴昆明参加中图学会召开的秘书长工作
● On January 2, “People’s Daily” ranked 22 major events reflecting Shandong’s “great achievements in economic development and social progress” in 2002 and “Opening of the New Library of Shandong Province” among them. On the 8th, a regular meeting of middle-level cadres was held. Director Wang Yun-tang reviewed his work in 2002 and deployed his work in 2003. From November 11 to 15, deputy director Zhao Bingwu went to Kunming to attend the secretary-general’s work held by the China Society for Picture Science