
来源 :中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheygy
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评价经心外膜标测Marshall韧带的新方法及其意义。对 1 9只犬经心外膜途径对Marshall韧带进行标测 ,采用梳状电极平行贴靠于Marshall韧带和平行贴靠于冠状静脉窦标测Marshall韧带 ,均同步记录 1 0道双极心外膜电图。对可记录到Marshall韧带电位的犬在Marshall韧带冠状静脉窦入口处及其中段与左心房连接处注射无水酒精消融至Marshall韧带电位消失。①Marshall韧带电位记录率为 89.5 % (1 7/ 1 9)。②平行贴靠于Marshall韧带时双极心外膜电图特征 :心房波从上至下逐渐拖后 ,其与逐渐提前的Marshall韧带电位相交形成典型“V”字形 ,或中段与近端记录的Mar shall韧带电位均提前并与心房波相交形成不典型“V”字形 (类似“Y”字形 )。呈典型“V”字形者 1 0只占 58.8% (1 0 / 1 7) ,对其中的 9只犬进行酒精消融 ,在Marshall韧带冠状静脉窦入口处酒精消融导致Marshall韧带电位全部消失 ;不典型“V”字形者 (类似“Y”字形 )者占 7只 ,占 41 .2 % (7/ 1 7) ,对其中 2只犬进行了酒精消融 ,除消融Marshall韧带冠状静脉窦入口外还需在其中段与左心房的连接点处消融才能导致电位完全消失。③梳状电极平行贴靠于冠状静脉窦并且横跨Marshall韧带记录 ,Marshall韧带冠状静脉窦入口处可记录到Marshall韧带电位。梳状电? Evaluation of the new method of transcardiac mapping of Marshall ligament and its significance. Marshall’s ligaments were epicardially transplanted in 19 dogs. Marsh ligations were applied to the ligaments of Marshall parallel to the comb electrodes and to the ligament of Marshall ligated to the coronary sinus. Membrane electrogram. Dogs with Marshall’s ligament potential were anesthetized with anhydrous alcohol ablation until the potential of the Marshall ligament disappeared at the entrance to the coronary venous sinus of Marshall’s ligament and its midpoint to the left atrium. ① Marshall ligament potential recording rate was 89.5% (17/19). ② Bipolar epicardial electrogram when paralleled to the ligament of Marshall: The atrial wave is gradually delayed from top to bottom, and it intersects with the progressive Marshall ligament potential to form the typical “V” shape, or the middle and proximal recorded Mar shall Ligament potential in advance and with the atrial wave intersect to form an atypical “V” shape (similar to the “Y” shape). In a typical “V” shape, 10 (58.8%, 10/17) were alcohol ablated in 9 of the dogs. Alcohol ablation at the entrance of the coronary venous sinus of the Marshall ligament resulted in the complete loss of the potential of the Marshall ligament. Atypical Seven of the “V” shaped (similar to “Y”) fonts accounted for 41.2% (7/1 7). Two of the dogs had alcohol ablation. In addition to ablating the coronary venous sinus of Marshall’s ligament, In its mid-section and the left atrium at the junction of ablation can lead to the complete disappearance of potential. The comb electrodes were placed in parallel with the coronary sinus and recorded across the ligament of Marshall. The Marshall ligament potential was recorded at the entrance of the coronary venous sinus of the Marshall ligament. Comb?
长QT综合征(Long QT Syndrome,LQTS)是由于编码心脏离子通道的基因突变导致相应的离子通道功能异常而引起的一组综合征.
患者女性,70岁,因反复晕厥、生活不能自理半年入院.心脏超声心动图检查提示肥厚型梗阻性心肌病,左室流出道(LVOT)最大压力阶差为112 mmHg.行心肌化学消融,术后LVOT最大压力阶