临床常见的Ⅰ型变态反应疾病有过敏性休克、变应性鼻炎、过敏性哮喘、荨麻疹、湿疹、血管神经性水肿、眩晕、美尼尔氏病、过敏性喉炎、儿童多动症和鼻息肉等。Ⅰ型变态反应疾病的治疗:1.查找过敏原,并用“T(替)B(避)E(移)G(忌)”。2.或从非特异性治疗和特异性治疗两方面入手:(1)非特异性疗法:常用的药物疗法含抗组胺药、肾上腺素能类药、色甘酸钠、皮质类固醇类、支气管扩张剂及H_1和H_2受体拮抗剂合用等。(2)特异性疗法:即变应原免疫疗法(allergen immunotherapy,AIT)或称减敏疗法,该法从1911年Noon创始至今仍是治疗变应性疾病的主要手段之一。
Common clinical type Ⅰ allergic diseases are allergic shock, allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, urticaria, eczema, angioneurotic edema, dizziness, Meniere’s disease, allergic laryngitis, ADHD and nasal polyps Wait. Ⅰ type of allergic disease treatment: 1. Find allergens, and with “T (for) B (avoid) E (shift) G (bogey).” 2 or from non-specific treatment and specific treatment of two aspects: (1) non-specific therapy: commonly used drug therapy with antihistamines, adrenergic drugs, cromolyn, corticosteroids, bronchodilators and H_1 and H_2 receptor antagonist combination and so on. (2) Specific therapy: allergen immunotherapy (AIT) or desensitization therapy, which was still one of the main treatments for allergic diseases since the founding of Noon in 1911.