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前言当前,无论日本国内还是国际上,人们依然对日本经济及日本的企业体制显示出莫大的关注,然而,日本学者和外国学者所关注的问题点却明显不同。在日本,人们就日本企业体制中所存在的问题正在展开种种议论,要求进行改革的呼声日益高涨。简单地说来,这种要求改革日本企业体制的观点,就是把美国的企业视为普遍的模式,从而主张日本的企业也应改革成美国的模式。在日本的战后复兴期和经济高速增长时期,这种认为美国的企业模式最先进并具有普遍性,反之日本的企业体制落后于世界而应当效仿于普遍模式的看法, Preface At present, people both in Japan and abroad still show great concern about the Japanese economy and Japan’s enterprise system. However, the issues that Japanese scholars and foreign scholars pay attention to are obviously different. In Japan, there are various discussions on the problems existing in the Japanese enterprise system, and calls for reform are on the rise. To put it simply, this view of requiring the reform of the Japanese enterprise system is to regard the U.S. enterprises as a universal model, thereby advocating that Japanese enterprises should also be transformed into the U.S. model. In the period of Japan’s post-war renaissance and rapid economic growth, this model of the United States regarded the enterprise as the most advanced and universal. On the contrary, Japan’s enterprise system lagged behind the world and should follow the view of the universal model.
十八大三中全会提出,国有资本、集体资本、非公有资本等交叉持股、相互融合的混合所有制经济,是基本经济制度的重要实现形式,有利于国有资本放大、保值增值、提高竞争力,有利于各种所有制资本取长补短、相互促进、共同发展。  全国政协常委、北京儿童心血管诊治中心主任,首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院心儿中心主任刘迎龙认为,混合所有制经济形式,也适用于医药卫生事业的改革与发展。  我国民营医院发展步伐加快,规模多样