商店林立,竞争激烈。面对买方市场。为了争夺更多的顾客,一些厂商开动脑筋,精心策划,推出了许多令人耳目一新的促销“花招”—— 上网促销。97年5月,一次旨在宣传促销北京机电产品为主的交易会通过电子网络悄然进行。北京60多家企业的近700种商品,通过美洲、欧洲、亚洲和阿拉伯地区的几大网络中心,同时向全世界的网上贸易对象发布,并收取反馈信息。
There are many shops and the competition is fierce. Face the buyer’s market. In order to compete for more customers, some manufacturers used their brains, carefully planned, launched a number of refreshing promotional “swift” - online promotions. In May of 1997, a trade fair focused on promoting Beijing’s electromechanical products was quietly conducted through electronic networks. Nearly 700 kinds of goods of more than 60 companies in Beijing pass through several major network centers in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and the Arab region, and they also publish to online trading partners around the world and receive feedback.