池莉是 90年代写实小说的代表作家。池莉的小说注重对普通人的日常生活进行仿真描摹 ,表现了人们放逐真理 ,顺应环境的生存态度。本文通过观照作家在小说里所展示的男女主人公的情感与性爱世界 ,解读男女主人公的情爱模式与历程 :本能欲望———理想情感———理想与现实的冲突———情感的皈依与升华 ,可窥视池莉小说中男女主人公的情感规律 ,从而可见池莉小说中情感价值取向之一斑
Chi Li is a representative writer of realistic novels in the 90s. Chi Li’s novel focuses on the ordinary people’s daily life simulation depicting the performance of people exile truth, adapt to the environment of survival. In this paper, by observing the emotional and sexual world of the hero and heroine in the novels, this article interprets the love model and course of hero and heroine: Instinctive Desire --- Ideal Emotion --- Conflict between Idealism and Reality --- Conversion and Sublimation of Emotion , Can peek at the emotional rules of hero and heroine in Chi Li’s novel, which shows the emotional value orientation in Chi Li’s novel