Analysis of 1/2 sub-harmonic resonance in a maneuvering rotor system

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This paper focuses on the 1/2 sub-harmonic resonance of an aircraft’s rotor system under hovering flight that can be modeled as a maneuver load G in the equations of motion.The effect on the rotor system is analyzed by using theoretical methods.It is shown that the sub-harmonic resonance may occur due to maneuvering flight conditions.The larger the eccentricity E and the maneuver load G,the greater the sub-harmonic resonance.The effects of nonlinear stiffness,damping of the system,maneuver load,and eccentricity on the sub-harmonic resonance region in parameter planes are also investigated.Bifurcation diagrams of the analytical solutions are in good agreement with that of the numerical simulation solutions.These results will contribute to the understanding of the nonlinear dynamic behaviors of maneuvering rotor systems. This paper focuses on the 1/2 sub-harmonic resonance of an aircraft’s rotor system under hovering flight that can be modeled as a maneuver load G in the equations of motion. The effect on the rotor system is analyzed by using theoretical methods. It is shown that the sub-harmonic resonance may occur due to maneuvering flight conditions. The larger the eccentricity E and the maneuver load G, the greater the sub-harmonic resonance. The effects of nonlinear stiffness, damping of the system, maneuver load, and eccentricity on the sub-harmonic resonance region in parameter planes are also investigated.Bifurcation diagrams of the analytical solutions are in good agreement with that of the numerical simulation solutions. These results will contribute to the understanding of the nonlinear dynamic behaviors of maneuvering rotor systems.
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