Tei指数(Tei index)是目前利用超声心动图评价心脏收缩和舒张整体功能的惟一指标,又称心肌运动指数。于1995年由日本学者Tei等首先提出并应用于临床实践,该指数可以准确地估计心脏整体功能而不受心律、心室几何形态及瓣膜反流
Tei index (Tei index) is currently using echocardiography to assess the overall function of systolic and diastolic the only indicator, also known as myocardial motor index. In 1995 by Japanese scholar Tei first proposed and applied to clinical practice, the index can accurately estimate the overall function of the heart without heart rhythm, ventricular geometry and valve regurgitation