
来源 :磷肥与复肥 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maly_soly
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采用田间试验研究了不同氮磷钾配比及其与硝酸盐复合控制剂配施对莴笋产量和品质的影响。结果表明,不同施肥处理莴笋产量有显著差异,BNPK处理莴笋产量最高,HNP处理最低,HNK+C2和HNK+C3处理使莴笋增产6.2%和4.1%。HNK配施硝酸盐复合控制剂对莴笋茎硝酸盐的降低幅度较大。综合产量和品质,以HNK+C2处理效果最好。 Field experiments were conducted to study the effects of different NPK fertilizers and their combination with nitrate complex control on the yield and quality of lettuce. The results showed that the yield of lettuce was significantly different among different fertilization treatments. The yield of lettuce was highest in BNPK treatment and the lowest in HNP treatment. The yield of lettuce was increased by 6.2% and 4.1% in HNK + C2 and HNK + C3 treatment, respectively. HNK with nitrate compound control agent on the lettuce stem nitrate reduction. Comprehensive output and quality, with HNK + C2 treatment best.