2001年伊始,世界经济圈最激动人心的等就是中国(?)加入世界贸易组织。奔走呼号者有之,摩拳擦掌者有之,但是(?)明的香港人却感受到了前所未有的压力。进入 WTO 以后,中国直接面对国际市场,对外出口贸易还需要香港这个中介吗?香港人还能像以前一样,享受到外国投资者无法享受到的“香港同胞”待遇吗?香港作为中国的一个早已融入世界贸易体系的国际化大都市,对中国人世能起到什么作用?香港以后将如何给自己定位?全国政协九届三次会议期间,胡法光等23名港区全国政协委员联名呈交2000年第1995号提案《向港人开放市场,有利于中国整体发展》,对香港的未来提出一系列建设性意见,引起国家相关部办委的高度重视,在经济学界也产生了一定程度的反响,香港的未来成为大家关心和探讨的重要议题。
At the beginning of 2001, the most exciting economic circle in the world was China’s accession to the World Trade Organization. Those who call for signs and act as their boons have their own ways, but the people of Hong Kong (?) Have felt the unprecedented pressure. After entering the WTO, will China directly face the international market and will it need Hong Kong as an intermediary for its export trade? Can Hong Kong people, as before, enjoy the “Hong Kong compatriots” treatment that foreign investors can not enjoy? Hong Kong as China Of an international metropolis that has long been integrated into the world trading system and what role China can play in the world? How Hong Kong will position itself in the future? During the Third Plenary Session of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee, 23 members of the CPPCC National Committee, including Hu Faguang and others, jointly submitted 2000 Proposal No. 1995, “Opening up markets to the people of Hong Kong is conducive to the overall development of China,” put forward a series of constructive suggestions on the future of Hong Kong, arousing great attention from the relevant ministries and commissions of the state, and also some repercussions in the field of economics The future of Hong Kong has become an important topic of concern and discussion.