1990年以来,笔者用食醋棉片局部贴敷,治疗眼睑黄色瘤38例疗效满意。 38例中女性28例,男性10例,年龄28岁~68岁,平均48岁,病程10个月~6年,31例病损位于双上睑内侧,6例遍及整个上眼睑,1例下睑亦有波及,均为边界清楚的黄色或桔黄色斑块,轻度凸起于眼睑皮肤表面。具体方法是用牙签蘸麸制食醋涂擦病损局部,使之有轻微灼热感觉,然后根据病损面积选择相应大小的浸含食醋的棉片贴敷于黄
Since 1990, the author with vinegar patch affixed locally, treatment of eyelid xanthoma 38 cases of satisfactory results. 38 cases of female 28 cases, 10 males, aged 28 years to 68 years, mean 48 years, duration of 10 months to 6 years, 31 lesions located in the double upper eyelid, 6 cases throughout the upper eyelid, 1 case Eyelid is also affected, are clear boundaries of yellow or orange patches, slightly raised in the eyelid skin surface. The specific method is to use toothpick dipped bran vinegar rubbed lesion, so that there is a slight burning sensation, and then select the appropriate size of the lesion area impregnated with vinegar-coated cotton yellow