转化思想是研究物理问题的一种重要思想方法.其实质是将复杂、陌生的问题,通过观察、联想、类比、分类等变换手段,使问题变得简单、明了.用转化思想对物理过程、状态及研究对象进行分析、转换、往往能起到化生为熟、化暗为明、化繁为简、化难为易的作用.下面结合实例,谈谈如何运用转化思想来求解有关电磁学问题,以起抛砖引玉的作用.一、生熟转化有些问题其情景比较陌生,甚至是我们以前根本没见过的,这时就需要仔细阅读题目,找出有用的信息,运用等效思维的方法,将陌生的问题情景转化为我们所熟悉的问题情景,并由此找到解题的有效途径.例1 在测定一节干电池的电动势和内阻的实
The essence of transformation thinking is an important way to study the physical problems.The essence is to make the problems simple and clear by transforming the complicated and unfamiliar problems through the means of observation, association, analogy and classification, Status and research object analysis, conversion, often can play a metaplasia is cooked, the dark as the Ming, complex and simple, difficult for the role of easy. The following combination of examples, talk about how to use the transformation of ideas to solve the problem of electromagnetic First, the conversion of raw and cooked Some of its problems unfamiliar with the situation, or even we have never seen before, then you need to carefully read the topic, find useful information, the use of the method of equivalent thinking, Will be unfamiliar problem scenarios into our familiar problem scenarios, and thus find an effective way to solve problems.Example 1 in the determination of a dry cell electromotive force and resistance of the real