
来源 :浙江旅游职业学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:s04325102
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以驴评网网友点评为基础,首先,使用Rost内容挖掘软件提取描述成都、重庆、西安、昆明四个西部城市旅游感知形象的高频特征词和频数,初步了解四个城市的旅游感知形象主题;第二,运用内容分析法,建构分析类目,对研究样本进行编码,检验编码结果信度,对四个城市旅游感知形象属性编码结果进行描述性统计,了解旅游感知形象属性各类目频次分布,进一步完善对四城市旅游感知形象的认识;第三,通过将城市与旅游感知形象属性按交叉列表的方式整理,采用spss18.0对数据进行了对应分析,更为清楚的展示四个城市在旅游感知形象上的差异。为四个西部主要旅游城市的旅游形象完善和提升提供依据,完善了以网络文本为数据来源的旅游形象研究方法 Based on the reviews of netizens, this paper uses Rost content mining software to extract the high-frequency characteristic words and frequency of tourism perception image in four western cities of Chengdu, Chongqing, Xi’an and Kunming, and to understand the theme of tourism perception image of the four cities ; Secondly, using content analysis method, constructing the analysis category, coding the research samples and testing the reliability of the coding results, descriptive statistics of the tourism city’s perceptual image attribute coding results of four cities, Distribution and further improve the tourism awareness image of the four cities; Third, through the cross-tabulation of attributes of the city and tourism perception image, using spss18.0 corresponding analysis of the data, a more clear display of the four cities Differences in tourism perception image. Provide the basis for perfection and promotion of tourism image in the four major tourist cities in western China, and improve the method of tourism image research based on web text as data source