乐町在太平鸟服饰阶梯式滚动发展中找到自己的节奏。这场秀很实验“尊敬的贵宾您好,欢迎选乘乐町LD0324号国际航班,请出示您的登机牌……”如果此时你以为这是在某个机场候机,那就错了。其实,这是一场秀,但却别出心裁地以机场为设计。只见发布会入场处,被精心地还原为机场出发大厅,不仅有登机办理、安检通道,还有机场免税店,限量发售着活动当天新锐时尚插画师JW jiwei与品牌合作的发布会特别企划商品。进入发布场地,主舞台是机场到
Rakuten finds its own pace in the progressive scroll development of the Pacifica costumes. This show is very experimental “Dear VIP Hello, welcome to choose the international flight number LD0324, please show your boarding pass ...... ” If at this time you think this is an airport waiting, then wrong. In fact, this is a show, but ingenuity to the airport for the design. I saw the conference venue, has been carefully restored to the airport departure hall, not only for check-in, security channel, as well as the airport duty-free shops, limited edition sale of the day with cutting-edge fashion illustrator JW jiwei special conference with the brand cooperation Planning products. Into the release venue, the main stage is the airport