Objective: To investigate and analyze the educational level and professional changes of health supervisors in Kunshan, and to understand the situation of Kuanshan health supervisors in receiving in-service education. Methods: To design a questionnaire about the personnel of health supervision agencies and investigate the professional and academic records of all employees in health supervision institutions in Kunshan City. Results: Through the on-the-job education, the supervisors of Kunshan City increased their enrollment from post-secondary level to 93.70% from 82.52% through the in-service education during the period from 2012 to 2012, with a bachelor’s degree or above increased from 54.55% to 75.52% 3 professionals have 50.35% of the staff, 41.96% have 2 professional qualifications, and 34.97% of them have professional changes. Conclusion: Through on-the-job education, the overall educational level of health supervisors has been significantly improved.