曾经给《花花公子》带来强大竞争压力的《阁楼》成人杂志在今年8月宣告破产。从英国起家的《阁楼》杂志依靠比《花花公子》更大胆的性爱写真得到消费者的青睐,在70年代年鼎盛时期发行量达500万份。然而在当今全球更开放的意识形态环境下,为什么《阁楼》杂志在去年发行量只有58万份,为什么资不抵债? 而在1965年创刊时,成人杂志市场除了《花花公子》几乎是空白,《阁楼》的诞生处于最有利的生态环境之中。第一期《阁楼》首先出现在英国报摊上,随后《阁楼》更在1969年进军美国,不到半年的时
The “attic” adult magazine, which used to give Playboy a strong competitive pressure, went bankrupt in August this year. From the United Kingdom started the “attic” magazine relies on more bold than the “Playboy” sex photo get consumers, in the heyday of the 70th circulation of 5000000 copies. However, under today’s more open global ideological environment, why did The Loft magazine issue only 580,000 copies last year? Why is it not enough to pay off debts? In 1965, the magazine for adult magazines, except Playboy, was almost empty, The birth of “loft” is in the most favorable ecological environment. The first “attic” first appeared on the British newsstand, and then the “attic” marched into the United States even more in 1969. Less than six months later