据椰子发展局称,2007年斯里兰卡椰子和椰子产品出口额为185亿卢比,比2006年的138.94亿卢比相比,提高了33%。营销和开发部副部长V Balakrishnan说,斯里兰卡椰子的出口形势看好得益于良好的市场环境、别国椰子减产以及蔬菜油价格提高。2007年斯里兰卡食品椰干出口量比2006年增加
According to the Coconut Development Authority, exports of coconut and coconut products in Sri Lanka for 2007 amounted to Rs 18,500 crore, an increase of 33% over Rs 13,894 crore in 2006. V Balakrishnan, Deputy Minister of Marketing and Development, said the export situation in Sri Lanka cautiously benefited from a good market environment, coconut production cuts in other countries and higher vegetable oil prices. In 2007, Sri Lankan food copra exports increased compared to 2006