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1978年5月11日,一篇题为《实践是检验真理的唯一标准》(以下简称“实”文)的本报特约评论员文章在《光明日报》头版发表。文章一发表,立即引起了各方面的强烈反响,并逐步发展成为一场规模宏大、内涵丰富、现实价值极大和历史意义深远的席卷神州大地的大讨论、大争论。20年过去了,今天回忆这场争论十分激烈的大讨论,深感讨论开展之艰难,成果来之不易,影响之深远。(一)这场大讨论在邓小平同志的支持下,是胡耀邦同志通过中共中央党校内部刊物《理论动态》发动的,并在他的组织和领导下及得到各方面的支持下,冲破巨大压力逐步开展起来的。《理论动态》是胡耀邦同志调任中共中央党校副校长主持常务工作后倡议创办的。他当时考虑,中央党校仅让来学习的干部读马克思主义著作还很不够,对当时许多是非问题,必须写文章,用评论去提高广大干部的思想认识。 On May 11, 1978, an article entitled “The Practice is the Only Standard to Test the Truth” (hereinafter referred to as the “real” text) newspaper commentator articles published in the “Guangming Daily” front page. As soon as the article was published, it immediately aroused strong repercussions from all quarters and gradually developed into a big debate and controversy sweeping across the vast land of China with its grand scale, rich connotation, great practical value and historical significance. Twenty years have passed. Today, I recall this very heated debate on the controversy and deeply discussed the hardships it has carried out. The achievements have not come by hard-earned and far-reaching implications. (1) With the support of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, Comrade Hu Yaobang launched this “big move” with Comrade Hu Yaobang’s “theoretical developments” in the internal publications of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee. Under the leadership and support of his organization and with all the support from all parties, he broke through enormous pressure and gradually Carry it out “Theoretical Trends” was initiated by Comrade Hu Yaobang after he was re-designated as Vice-Chancellor of the Central Party School by the Standing Committee. At that time, he considered that it was still not enough for the Central Party School to allow only the cadres who came to study to read Marxist writings. Many were non-questions at that time and must write articles and use comments to improve the cadre’s ideological understanding.
东亚,地处欧亚大陆的东部。受欧亚大陆和太平洋的海陆热力差异的驱动,东亚大部分地区为季风气候所控制。已有研究揭示,冬季北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation,AO)与东亚气候之间存在密