莫斯科是全俄政治、经济、文化、交通的中心,面积994平方公里,人口900多万。这座有“重工业堡垒”之称的城市既没有工业城市常见的烟雾,也没有闹市中的噪声,整座城市优美、宁静,一年四季清新宜人。 莫斯科创建于1147年9月,奠基人是尤里·多尔戈鲁基大公。为了纪念他,在莫斯科市政府前面的广场上树立了他的雕像。莫斯科建都历史悠久,因而名胜古迹众多。 ■莫斯科的心脏——克里姆林宫和红场 红场呈长方形,南北长697米,东西宽130米,总面
Moscow is the center of Russia’s political, economic, cultural and transportation. It covers an area of 994 square kilometers and has a population of over 9 million. This city known as “Heavy Industry Fortress” has neither the usual smoke nor the noisy noise in industrial cities. The whole city is beautiful, tranquil and refreshing throughout the year. Moscow was founded in September 1147 and the founder was Yury Dolgoruky. To commemorate him, in the square in front of the Moscow municipal government set up his statue. Moscow has a long history of the capital, which has many monuments. ■ The heart of Moscow - Kremlin and Red Square Red Square was rectangular north-south length of 697 meters, 130 meters wide things, the total surface