2007年4月10-29日,由V2_多变媒体中心主办的第八届荷兰媒体艺术节(Dutch Electronic Art Festiva,简称DEAF)在鹿特丹再度登场。V2_多变媒体中心创立于1981年,可谓是艺术和媒体技术领域跨学科研究和开发的老牌先锋。而DEAF这项双年展事亦被视为媒体艺术界最重要的国际艺术节之一,不仅是研究、创作新媒体艺术的展示交流平台,更是为艺术家、科学家和理论家等多元群体提供了相聚、启迪与辩论的理想场所。
On April 10-29, 2007, the 8th Dutch Media Art Festiva (DEAF), hosted by V2_Central Media Center, made its debut in Rotterdam. Founded in 1981, V2_Change Media Center is a veteran of interdisciplinary research and development in the arts and media technologies. The Biennale of DEAF is also regarded as one of the most important international art festivals in the media arts community. It is not only a platform for the exchange of information on the study and creation of new media art, but also for diverse groups such as artists, scientists and theorists The ideal place to meet, enlighten and debate.