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魏晋名士在处理情礼关系时,要求“称情而直往”,但在现实生活中又逐渐发现其弊病。于是,玄学名士们接受了“缘情制礼”的理论,并为之找到了理论根据,这既肯定了感性之情的社会存在价值,又能不废礼法,使现行道德秩序得以维持和继续,从而消弭了情礼冲突。六朝名士礼玄双修的命题在很大程度上便是情礼合一,其实现的途径又是以方内方外之别和君父先后论两个理论问题的解决为前提和基础的。 During the process of handling the relationship between lover and court, celebrities in Wei and Jin Dynasties demanded “direct affection and straightforwardness”, but in real life, they gradually discovered their defects. Thus, metaphysics celebrities accepted the theory of “courtesy and courtesy,” and found a theoretical basis for it, which not only affirmed the social existence of sensual feelings of value, but also non-waste law, the current moral order can be maintained and continued , Thus eliminating the lover conflict. To a large extent, the propositions of the celebrity rituals in the six Dynasties are the unity of love and ritual, and the way to realize it is based on the premise and foundation of the two theoretical problems solved successively by the Fang and Fang.
患者男,39岁,因发热伴皮疹3 d于2005年7月20日由我院传染科收住入院.患者入院前3 d出现发热,最高体温38℃,咳嗽无痰,门诊予病毒唑、头孢哌酮钠(先舒)及对乙酰氨基酚(泰诺)等药物治疗,无明显疗效,全身渐出现红色斑疹.患者有高血压病史,一直口服厄贝沙坦(安博雅)、吲达帕胺(寿比山).无特殊食物、药物过敏史.入院体检:体温39℃,脉搏90次,呼吸19次,血压150/96 mm Hg(1 m