Since the grid concept was introduced in the mid-1990s, the technology is constantly looking for its own way. But for now, only one “definition of grid” is a controversial. Although the user can not care about the current computer is not the “grid” in the “grid”, but if manufacturers are also on the grid coined the word, to some extent, shows the existence of its application from the content to the formal differences. In the minds of the people, it seems that the grid is naturally suited to serve as the “sacred mission”, when it devalues and descends the altar, what value does it have for the average business user? Can we use it? Zheng Weimin, director of HPC Institute at Tsinghua University, Zhu Ming, general manager of grid computing at IBM in Greater China, Ling Weicai, sales consultant at HP China, and Li Yingcong, senior presales officer at Oracle Greater China.