Since the industrial revolution, human activities have both expanded and intensified across the globe resulting in accelerated land use change. Land use change driven by Chinas development has put pre
Future or smart community, which mainly refers to the development of community information and communication technology(ICT) platforms or devices, has received considerable attention from urban govern
Although the fossil record of non-avian dinosaurs from the Cretaceous of Antarctica is the poorest of any continent,fossils representing at least five major taxonomic groups(Ankylosauria,early-divergi
寒武纪早期放射虫化石稀少,保存较差,对其特征和演化缺乏了解.对鄂西秭归地区寒武系筇竹寺阶水井沱组进行大量调查,获得放射虫化石个体300多枚,系统分类属于4种类型,包括泡沫虫目2个新属新种(Paraantygopora porosa和Braunosphaera sinensis)和1个属种分类位置不确定的球形放射虫化石、目科未定分子1个(Tetrasphaera? sp.).其中,泡沫虫目分子占多数
Antarctica has significant environmental,scientific,historic,and intrinsic values,all of which are worth protecting into the future.This continent has a discrete number of places of scientific interes
Dear Colleagues,Advances in Polar Science(APS)is an international,English-language,peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific research results concerning the Arctic and Antarctic regions across a
A compiled selected literature on some groups of microfossils of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of the James Ross Basin, eastern Antarctic Peninsula, is presented here, in order to show how the microbiota
封面图片为吉林一号光谱星于2019年5月2日获取的日本樱岛火山的多光谱影像。该卫星属于"吉林一号"星座,由长光卫星技术有限公司研制并运营,目前已有2颗在轨组网运行。卫星搭载了多光谱(PMS)相机、短波红外(SWIR)相机、中波红外(MWIR)相机、长波红外(LWIR)相机,能够提供从450—13500 nm,共26个谱段的遥感影像,其中主载荷分辨率为5 m、幅宽为110 km。截至2019年8月,
The International Conf-erence on Geomatics in the Big Data Era to be held on November 15-17,2019 in Guilin,China Background:As"Big Data"is changing the world tremendously nowadays,Geomatics is consequ