磷矿石是磷肥工业的基础原料,我国磷矿工业战线广大职工在毛主席无产阶级革命路线指引下,坚持以阶级斗争为纲,认真贯彻执行“鼓足干劲,力争上游,多快好省地建设社会主义”的总路线和“以农业为基础、工业为主导”的发展国民经济总方针,贯彻执行一整套两条腿走路的方针,促进了磷矿工业的大发展。特别是在无产阶级文化大革命和批林批孔运动的推动下,小磷矿、小磷肥如雨后春笋迅速发展,成为磷矿、磷肥战线的一支重要力量,为支援农业新跃进作出了大贡献。在群众运动中诞生的小磷矿立足于自力更生、土打土闹,立足于本地资源,坚持就地开采、就地加工、就地使用和县社为主、小型为主、土法为主。实践充分证明:小磷矿具有强大的生命力,而且越来越显示出它的巨大优越性。 为满足在大办小磷矿的群众运动中广大工人、贫下中农学习有关小磷矿的生产技术知识的迫切需要,做好科学技术普及工作,本刊特开辟《小磷矿基本知识座讲》,供从事小磷矿生产和管理的工人、贫下中农和干部阅读。 结合我国北方缺磷地区开发利用低品位磷矿的需要,本期刊登了《小磷矿选矿》第一讲,以后将相继介绍有关选矿工艺和设备配置等内容。欢迎读者提出宝贵意见。
Phosphate rock is the basic raw material for the phosphate fertilizer industry. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s proletarian revolutionary line, the majority of workers in the phosphate rock industry in our country adhere to the principle of class struggle and conscientiously implement the principle of “ Socialism ”and the general principle of“ developing agriculture based and industry-led ”in the development of the national economy and implementing a set of two-legged approach to promote the great development of phosphate industry. Especially under the impetus of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the campaign to criticize Lin and Biao Kong, the small phosphate mines and small phosphate mines have mushroomed rapidly and become an important force in the phosphate rock and phosphate fertilizer front. They have made great contributions to supporting the new leap in agriculture. Small-scale phosphate mines, which were born during the mass movement, are based on self-reliance and earthwork. Based on local resources, they insist on local mining, on-site processing, on-site use and county-based organizations, mainly small ones and mainly indigenous ones. Practice has fully proved: small phosphate rock has a strong vitality, but more and more shows its great superiority. In order to meet the urgent need of broad masses of workers, poor and middle peasants to learn about the production technology of small-sized phosphate rock and do well in the popularization of science and technology, we hereby open up the “basic knowledge of small-phosphate rock” For workers engaged in the production and management of small phosphate rock, poor peasants and cadres to read. In light of the need of developing and utilizing low grade phosphate rock in phosphorus deficiency areas in the north of our country, the first issue of “beneficiation of small phosphate rock” is published in this issue. The content of the beneficiation process and equipment allocation will be introduced one after another in the future. Welcome readers to make valuable comments.