燕麦孢囊线虫(Heterodera avenae Wollenweber)广泛分布于世界麦类作物种植区,是麦类作物生产上的一大病原生物。中国1989年首先在湖北省小表上发现,后在北京、河北、山西、河南和青海等地也发现有分布,而且造成一定的危害。影响燕麦孢囊线虫二龄幼虫孵化的因素很多,其中温度是最主要的因素之一。由于气候条件的差异,各地线虫群体之间孵化温度不尽相同。二龄幼虫(又称侵染幼虫)是孢囊线虫生活史中的一个重要阶段。Meagher 曾观察温度和湿度对贮存孢囊内卵生活力的影响。温度对孵出幼虫的生活力影响还未见报道。作者观察了离体条件下,温度对孢囊内幼虫的孵化及孵出二龄幼虫生活力的影响。
Heterodera avenae Wollenweber is widely distributed in the world’s wheat growing areas and is a major pathogen in wheat crop production. China first discovered it in a small table in Hubei Province in 1989 and later found distribution in Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Henan and Qinghai, and it also caused some damage. There are many factors affecting hatching of second instar larvae of Oat Cyst nematode, of which temperature is one of the most important factors. Due to differences in climatic conditions, hatching temperatures vary among populations of nematodes. Second-instar larvae, also known as infestation larvae, are an important stage in the life cycle of cyst nematode. Meagher had observed the effects of temperature and humidity on the viability of stored cysts. The effect of temperature on the viability of hatched larvae has not been reported yet. The authors observed the effects of temperature on the incubation of cyst larvae and the viability of hatched second instar larvae under ex vivo conditions.