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古人很重视劝学,读书之乐在古人诗中涉及不少。诸如《朱子家训》以及岳飞的《满江红》、文天祥的《正气歌》、屈原的《离骚》和《楚辞》等等。还有从幼童的蒙学《三字经》到《四书》、《五经》以至《二十四史》,诸子百家,无不充满谆谆劝学之意。而其中元人翁森以春夏秋冬为题,歌咏读书乐趣和情调的《四时读书乐》,更是一首优美的情致高尚的劝学 The ancients attach great importance to exhortation, reading music involves a lot in the ancients poem. Such as “Zhu Zi Jia Xun” and Yue Fei’s “Azolla”, Wen Tianxiang’s “Upright Song”, Qu Yuan’s “Li Sao” and “Chu Ci” and so on. There are also children from the “Three Character Classic” to “Four Books”, “Five Classics” and even “Twenty-Four Histories,” all of the hundreds of children, all filled with advice. One element Weng Sen to spring, summer, autumn and winter as a title, singing fun and sentiment of the “four o’clock reading music”, but also a beautiful exquisite enlightenment
广西师范大学出版社 新民说团队  “新民说”是广西师范大学出版社继“理想国”之后推出的全新文化品牌。从2012年冬创立至今,已经一周岁了,在这一年当中,出书20余种,得到了学界、媒体及公众高度关注。新浪中国好书榜评选、深圳读书月年度十大好书评选、凤凰网年度图书评选、新京报年读好书评选、中国影响力图书评选等,都有“新民说”的身影。2014年,“新民说”将继续少而精的出版策略,用一点一滴的行动,建构自