《愤怒的葡萄》是美国著名现代作家斯坦贝克((John Steinbeck,1902--1968)于1939年发表的长篇小说,曾获当年的普利策义学奖。斯坦贝克出生于加利福尼亚州,早年就读于斯坦福大学。其初期的文学作品中,有不少是描写美国南部农业工人悲惨生活状况的。《愤怒的葡萄》是其中最重要的一部作品,描写了30年代中期一个从西南沙荒地区外出流浪的农工家庭所遭受的苦难,以及他们为寻找工作而经历的不屈不挠的斗争生活。小说是对资本主义经济的有力控诉,对农场主残酷剥削农工的深刻揭露与批判。
The Angry Grape was a Pulitzer Prize for Study of the Year published by John Steinbeck (1902-1968), a famous American writer, in 1939. Steinbeck was born in California, Stanford University .In the early literary works, many of them described the miserable living conditions of agricultural workers in the southern United States. “Angry Grape” is one of the most important works, depicting a mid-1930s outflow from the wasteland And the indomitable struggle life they experienced in search of work.The novel is a powerful complaint against the capitalist economy and discloses and criticizes the farmer’s brutal exploitation of farm workers.