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据报载,河南省实用人失察追究制度,向那些因不负责任而导致用人失察的领导干部亮出了“红灯”,有近百名领导干部因用人失察而受到上级追究。此举深得民心,这对于纠正和克服用人问题上的不正之风、有效地遏制跑官、要官的歪风,无疑地将起到积极作用。众所周知,历来在用人? It is reported that the system of investigating practical personnel in Henan Province revealed a “red light” to those leading cadres who were found to have been overseen by others for being irresponsible. Some 100 leading cadres were held accountable by their superiors for being overstated. This move has won popular support, which undoubtedly will play a positive role in correcting and correcting the unhealthy tenure on the issue of employing people and in effectively curbing the unhealthy tendencies of running the government and officials. As we all know, always in employment?
Technical and quality improvements in colonoscopy along with the widespread implementation of population screening programs and the development of openaccess un
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Coexistence of Crohn’s disease(CD) and familial Mediterranean fever(FMF) is a rare condition and knowledge about this clinical situation is limited with a few
AIM: To evaluate usefulness of prophylactically intubating upper gastrointestinal bleeding(UGIB) patients. METHODS: UGIB results in a significant number of hosp
AIM:To hypothesize that beta-7 integrin affects cellularmigration of both,lymphocytes and enterocytes.METHODS:The nucleoside analog Brd U was ip injected in bet
Congenital esophageal stenosis(CES) is an extremely rare malformation, and standard treatment have not been completely established. By years of clinical researc