
来源 :马克思主义学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bingdongfenxing
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农村留守儿童是伴随着中国改革开放和工业化、城市化而出现的一个特殊群体,并且其规模还在逐年扩大。滞留在农村的儿童在学习、心理、品行和生活等方面都面临着诸多问题,其德育状况也越来越引起社会各方面的高度关注。解决留守儿童的德育问题,不仅关系到他们的健康成长和家庭的幸福,也影响到中国的社会发展和社会和谐稳定。因此,必须加强对农村留守儿童德育问题研究,并根据农村的实际情况积极探索新的德育途径和方法,不断提高他们的思想道德品质,使他们能在特殊的家庭环境中健康成长。 Left-behind children in rural areas are a special group that has emerged along with China’s reform and opening up and industrialization and urbanization, and its scale is still expanding year by year. Children living in rural areas face many problems in their studies, mentality, conduct and life, and their moral conditions are also drawing more and more attention from all sectors of society. Solving the moral education for left-behind children not only concerns their healthy growth and family happiness, but also affects China’s social development and social harmony and stability. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen research on the moral education of left-behind children in rural areas and to actively explore new ways and means of moral education based on the actual conditions in rural areas so as to continuously improve their ideological and moral qualities and enable them to grow healthily in special family environments.
2006年8月中国胃食管反流病共识意见研讨会在三亚召开。这次会议遵循了国际上广泛接受的Delphi process原则,与会者共同讨论并产生了共识意见。此共识在本刊发表后得到专业人士的一致好评,并提出我国各种有关共识意见、指南等的产生应遵循此模式,这样产生的共识意见才能更具科学性、权威性、实用性,又符合我国国情。
我们既往的研究证实睡眠剥夺导致大鼠内脏感觉降低[1],但机制尚不清楚.5-羟色胺(5 HT)是一种与睡眠密切相关的神经递质,同时中枢5-HT系统作为下行抗伤害性作用的主要神经递质之一,在内脏感觉敏感性的调节方面起着重要作用。
过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体(peroxisome proliferator activated receptors, PPAR )是一类由配体激活的核转录因子,属Ⅱ型核受体超家族成员,活化后可调控多种核内靶基因的表达,具有多种生物学效应[1].PPAR超家族有3个亚型:即PPAR-α、 PPAR-δ(又称PPAR-β或NUC-1)和PPAR-γ,分别由不同的基因编码.近年来的研究发现,PPAR-α