“叫吧,随你们怎么叫!我是书呆子,固我在!”是,我不还口,不是我“口木”,是我无暇! 天际茫茫,每一个物种都会选择一种自己的姿态置身其中,或蜻蜓点水,或走马观花,虽然蜻蜓点水之每“点”实则为完成繁育后代之“重任”,走马观花亦可“一日观尽长安花”,但真正的智者,总会选择以“呆”的姿态存在,无怨无悔地蜷于属于自己的那个“书巢”之中……北大著名教授谢冕先生劝学生们“先做书呆子”,正是告诉了学生们真正的智者所应有的姿态。那是一种古人夜读时,凿壁、聚萤以借光,悬梁、刺股以不眠的姿势。那是一种如马克思磨损了座椅下
“Call it, how do you call it! I am a nerd, hold me in!” Yes, I don’t replied, I’m not “mouth wooden” and it’s me! Skyrims, every species will choose their own posture Among them, the “spots” of “draining” or “dawning”, although each “point” of water and water is actually responsible for accomplishing the “burden of responsibility” of the progeny, it can also be a “one-day view of Chang’an,” but real wise men will always choose to The gesture of “staying” existed, and he fell into the “book nest” of his own with no regrets and regrets.... The famous professor of Peking University, Mr. Xie Tao, advised the students to “get nerds first” and told the students the true sage. The proper posture. It was a kind of ancient people reading at night, chiseling walls, gathering firework to borrow light, cantilevering beams and stabbing stocks to sleepless posture. It’s kind of like Marx wears under the seat