野兽派是二十世纪 初风行于世的一个画派, 以马蒂斯、梵高为首的野 兽派大师们,用他们独特 的视角,诠释着这个光怪 陆离的世界。在他们的画 布上你看不到惟妙惟肖 的形象,你却可以看到人 类灵魂的喷发。 在NBA中也有着一 帮对篮球有着独特理解 的硬汉,他们被视为篮球上
Fauvism is a popular painting school in early twentieth century. The fauvism masters led by Matisse and Van Gogh use their unique perspective to interpret this bizarre world. You can not see vivid images on their canvas, but you can see the eruption of human souls. There are also a bunch of tough guys who have a unique understanding of basketball in the NBA and are considered basketball