4月16日零时起,全国铁路将实行新的列车运行图,较调整前增开动车组列车25.5对。运行图调整后,全国铁路开行旅客列车总数达3 615对。铁路部门进一步优化运力资源配置,扩大沪昆高铁、杭深线、南广、贵广、宁蓉、京广等客流饱满线路的运力,增开动车组列车25.5对,并安排37对现有动车组列车重联或大编组运行。增开部分白天动卧列车,努力改善中长途旅客的旅行体验。优化部分
At 0:00 am on April 16, a new train operation plan will be implemented for the national railway. Before the adjustment, 25.5 pairs of trains will be added. After adjustment of the operation plans, the total number of passenger trains operated by the national railway reached 3 615 pairs. The railway department further optimized the allocation of transport resources and expanded the capacity of passenger lines with high passenger throughputs of Shanghai-Kunming High Speed Rail, Hang-Shen Line, Nanguangguang Expressway, Gui-Guang Railway Station, Ningrong Expressway and Jingguang Expressway, increased 25.5 pairs of EMU trains and arranged 37 pairs of existing EMUs Group train re-linkage or large group operation. Increase part of the daytime train, strive to improve the long-distance travelers travel experience. Optimization section