根据《全国艾滋病检测技术规范》(2009年修订版)的要求,目前我国以诊断为目的的艾滋病病毒(Human immunode-ficiency virus,HIV)抗体检测流程,是先用筛查试剂进行初筛检测,呈阴性的样品可出具HIV抗体阴性报告;呈阳性的样品,需要进一步做复检试验和确证试验[1]。HIV抗体的检测足
According to the requirements of the “National AIDS Testing Technical Specification” (2009 Revision), at present, the diagnostic test of human immunode-ficiency virus (HIV) antibody in our country is carried out with screening reagents for screening tests, Negative samples can be negative for HIV antibody; positive samples need further review and confirmatory test [1]. HIV antibody test enough