改善民生 践行宗旨——学习习近平同志新时期扶贫开发战略思想的几点体会

来源 :乌蒙论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woniu5566
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本文从对扶贫是社会主义本质要求思想的理解、对两个“重中之重”思想的认识、对扶贫改革创新思想的感想、对科学扶贫思想的思考、对精准扶贫思想的认知、对内源扶贫思想的领悟等六个方面探讨了对学习习近平同志新时期扶贫开发战略思想的体会。 This article from understanding poverty-stricken ideology of the nature of socialism, understanding of two “top priorities”, thoughts on innovative ideas of pro-poor reform, thinking on scientific anti-poverty thinking, and understanding of accurate pro-poor thinking , The comprehension of the source of poverty alleviation thought, and other six aspects discussed the experience of learning Xi Jinping’s new era of poverty alleviation and development strategy.