Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are no longer simply applied to the direct interconnect layer between the chip and the system. In software radio (SDR), FPGAs are increasingly used as general purpose computing architectures to implement hardware acceleration units, reducing cost and effort Consumption based on improving performance. Typical implementations of SDR modems include general purpose processors (GPPs), digital signal processors (DSPs), and FPGAs. Moreover, the FPGA fabric can be combined with a dedicated hardware acceleration unit to offload GPP or DSP. Soft-core microprocessors can be combined with custom logic to extend their cores, or add discrete hardware-accelerated coprocessors to the system. In addition, the common routing resources can also be placed in the FPGA, these hardware acceleration units can be run in parallel, to further enhance the overall operational output of the system. This article will discuss three different types of hardware acceleration units and their performance in software.