
来源 :重庆三峡学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leoling819
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产业生态化是保护环境、发展经济的有效路径,促进产业生态化发展对保护三峡库区意义重大。本文对位于库区腹地的渝东北生态涵养发展区产业生态化发展进行了研究,发现该地区农业、工业和服务业生态化发展已经取得了一定进展,但存在农业质量效益不高、产业化水平低、产品竞争优势不明显,工业原材料资源密集型特征突出、定位雷同、布局分散、核心竞争力弱,生态旅游价值挖掘不够、现代物流业发展落后和服务业的生态促进功能尚未发挥作用等问题。而对传统增长路径依赖、产业生态化发展思路不清晰和产业生态化发展缺乏政策支持是其主要原因,需要进一步加大政府对产业生态化发展的规划引导和政策激励,加强人才、资金和技术供给,创新发展路径、分类推进产业调整,强化区域产业合作。 Industrial ecologicalization is an effective way to protect the environment and develop economy. It is of great significance to protect the Three Gorges reservoir area to promote the industrial ecological development. This article has carried on the research to the industrial ecology development in the ecological conservation development zone in the northeastern Chongqing area in the hinterland of the reservoir area and found that the ecological development of the agriculture, industry and service industry in the area has made some progress, but the agricultural quality benefit is not high and the industrialization level Low product competitive advantage, prominent features of industrial raw materials, resource-intensive features, similar positioning, decentralized distribution, weak core competitiveness, inadequate exploitation of eco-tourism value, backward development of modern logistics industry and failure of eco-service function of service industry to play a role . However, it is the main reason why the traditional growth path is dependent, the industrial development is not clear, and the industrial development is lack of policy support. It is necessary to further increase the government’s planning guidance and policy incentives for the industrial ecological development and to strengthen the pool of talents, capital and technology Supply, innovation and development path, promote industrial restructuring classified and strengthen regional industrial cooperation.
闻名于世的丝绸之路始于古代中国,它连接了亚洲、非洲和欧洲各国,极大地促进了当地经济社会的发展和文化艺术的交流,是人类文明史上最伟大的辉煌篇章。  国际金融危机过去八年,世界经济依然深度复杂调整。如何使世界经济真正企稳向好,成为困扰全球的新谜题。2013年9月,习近平主席到访瓜果飘香的中亚,提出共建“丝绸之路经济带”的构想。同年10月,在椰风送爽的东南亚,习近平又发出共建“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的倡