在全国亿万军民热烈响应党的九届二中全会公报的号召“抓革命、促生产、促工作,促战备”,创造优异成绩向即将召开的第四届全国人大献礼的大好形势里,嘉兴电气控制设备厂的电工同志,遵照毛主席“中国应当对于人类有较大的贡献”的教导,“破除迷信”、“解放思想”,发扬工人阶级敢想敢干的创造精神,在一无图纸二无样机的困难情况下,凭着几颗红心勤劳双手,在短短的一个月时间里,用本厂自己制造的3CT—200A 可控硅管试制成
The country’s hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians enthusiastically responded to the call of the party’s communique of the Second Plenary Session of the Ninth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to “grasp the revolution, promote production, promote work, and prepare for war”, and create excellent results for the upcoming Fourth National People’s Congress. The electrician of the electrical control equipment factory complied with Chairman Mao’s guidance that “China should make greater contributions to mankind”, “breaking down superstitions” and “emancipating the mind” and carrying forward the creative spirit of the working class dare to dare to do without a blueprint. In the difficult situation without the prototype, with a few red hearts and hardworking hands, in a short period of one month, we made a 3CT-200A thyristor manufactured by our factory.