午后的骄阳时常扰乱了你我闲适的心情,逛街游玩的欲望瞬间会降到冰点。为了让额头上的汗珠被清凉的微风尽快吹散,此时需要寻找这样一家小店,谁曾想到这误打误撞的不期而遇,竟让我觅得了一方静谧的世外仙境——位于银海大世界的M&W Cafe Tearooms,这不仅是一家精品咖啡店,也是一家提供纯正英式下午茶的茶室。在这里,你不但可以品尝到香醇的现磨咖啡和手冲单品,还可以像女王一样享受一份优雅美味的英式甜品或是英式红茶。
Afternoon sun often upset you and me leisurely mood, the desire to go shopping play will be reduced to freezing point. In order to let the sweat on the forehead was cool as soon as possible blowing breeze, at this time need to find such a shop, who had thought of this accidental accidental, actually let me find a quiet paradise - - M & W Cafe Tearooms at Silver World, a boutique coffee shop and a tea house serving pure English afternoon tea. Here, you can not only enjoy the freshly ground coffee and hand-punch single product, you can enjoy the same as the Queen, an elegant and delicious British dessert or British black tea.