我们从1998年3月开始采用中西医结合治疗支原体、衣原体感染所致慢性盆腔炎40例,取得了良好效果。现总结如下。 临床资料 本组病历年龄17—40岁,均有未婚性生活史,婚外性接触者26例,二年以内的5例,三年以内的2例;衣原体感染者21例,支原体感染者8例,混合感染者11例;有30例曾有过尿频及排尿困难,发热等症状,所有病例因表现为腹部隐痛,坠胀、腰痛、腰骶酸痛、阴道分泌物增多,而前来就诊,查体普遍表
We started from March 1998 the use of traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of mycoplasma, chlamydia infection caused by chronic pelvic inflammatory disease in 40 cases, and achieved good results. Now summarized as follows. Clinical data The medical history of the group of 17-40 years old, all have unmarried sexual life history, 26 cases of extra-marital sex, 5 cases within two years, two cases within three years; chlamydia infection in 21 cases, mycoplasma infection 8 Cases, mixed infection in 11 cases; 30 cases had had frequent urination and dysuria, fever and other symptoms, all cases due to the performance of abdominal pain, bulging, low back pain, lumbosacral pain, vaginal discharge increased, and come to the clinic, Physical examination table