Since 1958 we have treated femoral shaftfracture by integrated traditional and West-ern methods;i.e.by manual reduction,wooden board splint fixation,short periodskeletal traction and early exercise.We re-ported 116 cases(117 fractures)in 1964.Allthe fractures were united.With an averagetime for clinical union of 8 weeks,96.5% ofthe patients experienced satisfactory re-covery.Another series of 197 cases(200 frac-tures)was reported in 1966 without a singlecase of non-union.The average period forclinical union was also 8 weeks but with a
Since 1958 we have treated femoral shaftfracture by integrated traditional and West-ern methods; ie by manual reduction, wooden board splint fixation, short periodskeletal traction and early exercise. We re-ported 116 cases (117 fractures) in 1964. All the fractures were united .With an average time for clinical union of 8 weeks, 96.5% of the patient experienced satisfactory re-covery. Another series of 197 cases (200 frac-tures) was reported in 1966 without a singlecase of non-union.The average period for clinical union was also 8 weeks but with a