
来源 :中国危重病急救医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:btmax22
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建立了脑缺血动物模型,测试有关激素的变化,为缺血性脑血管病临床整体防治研究工作提供实验理论依据。用家兔,以3%戊巴比妥钠麻醉,分为不全脑缺血组、全脑缺血组、再灌流组和对照组。实验过程中同步监测血压、心率、呼吸,各组于结扎动脉后即刻、30分钟、60分钟和120分钟各取血1次,于120分钟后迅速解剖取大脑皮层颞叶、海马、下丘脑和中脑,测试脑缺血及再灌流等各组血浆、脑匀浆促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)、皮质醇与外周血嗜酸粒细胞绝对值(EC值)的变化。结果:全脑缺血组及其再灌流组血浆、脑匀浆ACTH、皮质醇含量显著增高,其活性变化反应敏感、活跃;不全脑缺血组ACTH及皮质醇变化相对不明显。脑匀浆ACTH、皮质醇均以下丘脑含量为最高。以上3组外周血EC值同期显著降低。实验结果表明:在急性脑血循环障碍、脑缺血、缺氧特定条件下,动物机体内环境应变调控功能同时受到干扰,ACTH、皮质醇和CE值三者自身活动变化敏感。充分提示神经内分泌系统在脑缺血、再灌流过程中应变调控的总体效应,且反应强度与中枢神经系统损害严重程度紧密相关。作者认为,本实验对缺血性脑血管病临床整体防治研究工作提供了实验理论依据 The animal models of cerebral ischemia were established to test the changes of hormones and provide experimental theoretical basis for the clinical prevention and treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular diseases. Rabbits were anesthetized with 3% sodium pentobarbital, and were divided into three groups: the intact cerebral ischemia group, the global cerebral ischemia group, the reperfusion group and the control group. During the experiment, blood pressure, heart rate and respiration were monitored synchronously. Blood was taken from each group immediately after 30 minutes, 60 minutes and 120 minutes respectively. After 120 minutes, the cerebral cortex temporal lobe, hippocampus, hypothalamus, Midbrain, test cerebral ischemia and reperfusion and other groups plasma and brain homogenate adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol and peripheral blood eosinophil absolute value (EC value) changes. Results: The content of ACTH and cortisol in plasma and brain homogenate increased significantly in global cerebral ischemia group and reperfusion group, and the changes of ACTH and cortisol were sensitive and active. The change of ACTH and cortisol in incomplete cerebral ischemia group was relatively insignificant. Brain homogenate ACTH, cortisol are the highest hypothalamus content. EC values ​​of the above three groups significantly decreased over the same period. The experimental results show that under the specific conditions of acute cerebral circulation disorder, cerebral ischemia and hypoxia, the regulation of the environment and environment in animals is disturbed at the same time. The activities of ACTH, Cortisol and CE are sensitive to their own activities. The neuroendocrine system is fully suggestive of the overall effect of strain regulation during cerebral ischemia and reperfusion, and the intensity of the reaction is closely related to the severity of central nervous system damage. The author believes that this experiment on the overall prevention and treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular disease clinical research provides a theoretical basis for the experiment
面前的蛋糕还没吃完,毛毛便迫不及待地嚷着要吃巧克力;在游乐场看到好玩的滑梯,毛毛无视前面正在排队的小朋友,自己硬要抢先上去玩;上兴趣班时,毛毛发现自己怎样也无法做好时,便轻易放弃;遇到要求没有被及时满足的时候,他立即发脾气,甚至情绪失控……如此种种,3岁的毛毛在父母的眼里就是一个“急性子”,遇事没有一点耐心。  早教专家表示,“耐性”这种特质,必须从小开始培养。如果孩子得不到正确的引导教育,长大后