农村教育是我国教育工作的“重中之重”,这是温家宝总理在全国农村教育工作会议上的表述。教育部部长周济多次在新闻发布会上也明确表示,农村教育是我国未来几年教育发展的中心工作。目前我国有70%的人口在农村, 农村(含县镇)义务教育阶段的学生人数高达1.6亿,教育任务之重不言而喻。笔者长期在农村教育一线工作,农村教育存在许多亟待解决的问题。中国出了一位李昌平,因给总理写了一封信,罢职南下,便引来国家对“三农”问题的关心。我不想做李昌平,我只想凭做教师的良知说说农村教育的实情,以引起各界人士对农村教育的关注。
Rural education is “the most important thing” in China’s education work. This is the statement made by Premier Wen Jiabao at the National Conference on Rural Education. Zhou Ji, Minister of Education, made clear at several press conferences that rural education is the central task of education development in China in the coming years. At present, 70% of the population in rural China is in rural areas, and the number of students in the compulsory education stage in rural areas (including counties and towns) is as high as 160 million. The weight of education tasks is self-evident. The author has long been working in the rural education field. There are many problems that need to be solved in rural education. China had a Li Changping, who wrote a letter to the prime minister. After the strike, the country’s concern for the issue of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” was attracted. I do not want to be Li Changping. I just want to tell the truth about rural education by the conscience of the teachers, so as to arouse people from all walks of life to pay attention to rural education.