中国槐(Sophora japonica L)冠大荫浓,寺命长,素有“千年松,万年柏,不如老槐歇一歇”之说。现在兰州仍有相传为“唐槐”的古树存在。中国槐适应性很强,对土壤不苛求,对二氧化硫,氯气等有毒气体也有较强的抗性,栽培容易,木材质佳,是我国北方用材和城市绿化的优良树种,也是我市重要的行道树种之一。但是在一般培育中,常常出现主干弯曲,偏冠现象,影响了苗木质量,因此,如何培育合格大苗,对于提高城市道路绿化的质量,具有十分重要意义。
Chinese Sophora (Sophora japonica L) Guan Yu shade, temple life long, known as “Millennium pine, Wan years cypress, as good as the old locust break”. Now there is still legend in Lanzhou, “Tang Huai,” the existence of ancient trees. China Huai adaptability is strong, not demanding on the soil, sulfur dioxide, chlorine and other toxic gases also have strong resistance, easy cultivation, good wood, timber and urban greening in northern China is an excellent species, but also the city’s important sidewalk tree One of the species. However, in general breeding, trunk bending and partial crowing often appear, which affects the quality of nursery stock. Therefore, how to cultivate qualified nursery stock is very important for improving the quality of urban road greening.