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近年来,因为扶起摔倒的老人反遭诬陷的事情频频发生,由此,成人世界里有了这样一种言论倾向:当遇到老人摔倒,千万不敢扶啊!可是,我们不禁要问问自己:难道只有冷漠和逃避才能解决这个问题吗?同时,我们也想要问问大家:作为祖国的未来,你们是怎么想这个问题的?看看一部分小作者的回答吧,他们的观点或许会帮助我们更好地处理这个问题。 In recent years, there has been such a tendency of speech in the adult world that frequent fraudulent attacks on elderly people who have fallen are caused by the fall of the elderly. However, we can not help Ask yourself: Is it possible to solve this problem only with indifference and avoidance? At the same time, we also want to ask everyone: how do you think about this as the future of the motherland? Look at the answers of some of the younger authors. Our point of view may help us to better deal with this issue.
大事记的内容,包括重大政治事件、文化热点、文学思潮、文学运动、文学论争、重要会议、刊物创刊终刊、重要作品发表出版、重要作家活动及去世等项。 Memorabilia includes