直立试验是儿童直立不耐受鉴别诊断过程中重要的辅助检查,通过对平卧及直立10 min内的生理参数的观察,对诊断儿童直立性低血压或体位性心动过速有重要意义[1-4]。本院儿科于2010年7月对1例患儿进行了儿童连续动脉血压监测直立试验。现报告如下。
Upright test is an important auxiliary examination in the process of differential diagnosis of erectile dysfunction in children. Through observation of physiological parameters within 10 minutes of lying and upright, it is of great significance to diagnose orthostatic hypotension or orthostatic tachycardia in children [1 -4]. Our hospital pediatric in July 2010 on a case of children with continuous monitoring of arterial blood pressure in the upright test. The report is as follows.