丝瓜异名为天丝瓜、天罗、水瓜、布瓜、蛮瓜、绵瓜、天吊瓜等。为葫芦科丝瓜属一年生蔓生草本植物。因其老熟果实中的网状脉络如丝,名曰“丝瓜络”,可用于擦拭洗涤炊具,又称“洗锅罗瓜”。本品原产于印度,唐末宋初方传入我国,以其果络、叶、藤、汁、根及种子入药。丝瓜的果实青翠鲜嫩,味美清香,是夏季祛暑开胃的美味佳肴。 丝瓜的营养极其丰富,它含有皂甙、粘液质、丝瓜苦味质、瓜氨酸、脂肪、优质蛋白质、淀粉、钙、磷、铁等矿物质,以及维生素C、B_1、A和胡萝卜素。它所提供的
Luffa melon is called Tianlugua, Tianluo, Shuiguo, Bugua, Quegua, Miangua, Tianhang melon and so on. It is an annual creeping herb of gourd. Because of its network of old mature fruits, the name “Luffa” can be used to wipe and wash bedding, also known as “washing pot”. This product is native to India. It was introduced into China at the end of the Tang Dynasty and the early Song Dynasty. It was made of herbs, leaves, vines, juice, roots and seeds. The loofah’s fruit is green, fresh, delicious, and delicious. It is a summer delicacy delicious appetizer. Loofah is extremely rich in nutrients. It contains saponins, mucilage, loofah bitterness, citrulline, fat, high-quality protein, starch, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, as well as vitamin C, B_1, A, and carotene. It offers