
来源 :激光与光电子学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjief
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在不久前结束的海湾战争中,许多武器首次使用,其中包括舰射“战斧”巡航导弹。这些导弹攻击目标是伊拉克的空军、指挥中心、固定防空设施、海军航空兵基地和C~3I系统等重要目标。在这次战争中,美军多次使用该导弹攻击伊拉克境内的军事目标,取得很好的战果。由此可见,巡航导弹已成为现代防空武器对付的重要目标,同时战术防空激光武器也将是增强防空力量的重要措施。激光武器是武器系统发展的一个重要趋势,是一种利用激光束攻击目标的定向能武器,可作为光电对抗和对付精确制导武器的重要手 Many of the weapons were used for the first time in the Gulf War, which was recently concluded, including the launch of the Tomahawk cruise missiles. These missile targets are targets such as Iraq’s Air Force, Command Center, Fixed Air Defense, Naval Air Base and C-3I systems. In this war, the U.S. military has repeatedly used the missiles to attack the military targets in Iraq and achieved very good results. From this we can see that cruise missiles have become an important target of modern air defense weapons. At the same time, tactical air defense laser weapons will also be an important measure to enhance air defense forces. Laser weapon is an important trend in the development of weapon system. It is a kind of directional energy weapon that uses laser beam to attack the target. It can be used as an important countermeasure against electro-optical confrontation and precision guided weapon
在美国和俄罗斯的航天机构中,许多开始于20世纪60年代的、稀奇古怪的仪式至今仍在继续。宇航员在升空之前要做很多事情,比如:接受神父祝福、理发、在门上签名、在公共汽车的轮胎上撒尿、玩扑克牌直到指挥官输掉、非载人航天器发射成功后要用豆类食品和玉米面包来祝贺、重大的登陆时刻要用瓶装花生来迎接等等。这些仪式有的十分正常,有的非常奇怪,样式繁多。  十三恐惧症  对13这个数字的害怕被称为“十三恐惧症”,在